Dec 25, 2008

Happy Christmas, Harry!

Merry Christmas!

I had a white Christmas this year... maybe a little more white than I wanted, but while the win is blowing and the snow is piling up, I get to stay inside and enjoy the holiday.

Here are so Christmas traditions that we have:

Christmas Eve is when we tend to do the "reason for the season" things. We remember Christ's birth, sing songs, read stories and have a wonderful dinner with New England Clam Chowder. Yum! But at the end of the night we get our Christmas jammies! Got to love new jammies!

Christmas, I think, is just like most peoples. We have our stockings, presents under the tree, a great breakfast. My family is here and we watch movies, read books, and just play and enjoy each others company all day. It's great!

What a great season! Lights, and songs, and snow. Now, if only all the snow will go away before I need to go back to school...

Love you all!


  1. First, merry Christmas!

    Second, it's become tradition for me and my friend Emily to wish each other Christmas by saying "Happy Christmas, Harry!" and the other to reply "Happy Christmas, Ron" in the tones they use during the film, which meant your blog title made my heart happy!

  2. Merry Christmas to you too!

    Anything to make your heart happy!
