Mar 7, 2010

'Cuz I'm Utahn!

See the inspiration for this post!

I just want to set straight the stereotypes that surround people from Utah and make sure everyone knows the truth. So, here I go.

My dad actually has six wives.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.

Fetch is my favorite swear word.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.

I bleach my hair and tangle it so much in the back that it looks like a rat settled in my hair.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.

I pronounce creek like crick.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.

I have no idea what marijuana is. Or how to pronounce it.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.

I have never met a nonmember before.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.

My favorite salad is green jell-o with carrots.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.

I'm a horrible driver.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.

The biggest holiday of the year for me is the Y v. U football game.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.

I know every person in my town, because, you know, we all go to the same church.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.

I hear all the latest gossip about everyone else.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.

I look down on you if you aren't Mormon . . . not that I know anyone who isn't.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.

At eighteen I got married, to a twenty-three year old.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.

I come from a family of twelve children.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.

Sandlot is my favorite movie.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.

Funeral potatoes are a staple at every meal.

Cuz I'm UTAHN.


  1. I love funeral potatoes. And I'm from California. But my parents do say "crick" and they are Utahn.

  2. I love funeral potatoes too. And I've never seen Sandlot. And I don't say crick. :)
