Mar 27, 2010

Because of Doctor Who . . .

. . . I am scared of the following things:

1. mannequins
2. fat people who fart too much
3. trampolines
4. broken clocks
5. kids looking for their mummys
6. gasmasks
7. mirrors
8. scarecrows
9. mortuaries
10. reality TV
11. cats
12. weird tasting chips
13. cafeteria food
14. bluetooths (blueteeth?)
15. TVs
16. people repeating what I say
17. young kids who draw/color
18. scribbles
19. hospitals
20. traffic jams
21. statues of angels
22. old professors with fob watches
23. British Prime Ministers
24. the sound of drums
25. bees
26. cruises
27. weight loss pills
28. kid geniuses
29. libraries
30. double shadows
31. turning left
32. four knocks
33. double decker buses
34. rhinos
35. 4 somethings and a lizard
36. children with red balloons
37. political campaigns
38. christmas trees
39. zippers
40. Santa Claus
41. marionettes
42. Shakespeare
43. bell towers
44. nannies
45. pigs
46. "Jingle Bells"
47. blinking

Yes, because of Doctor Who, I am a paranoid freak. Brilliant.

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