Friday night I participated in a strange phenomenon called "Speed Dating." The basic concept is thus: a least 100 marrying age guys and girls are all put into a room in the hopes of meeting an eternal companion (or at least someone to go on a date with). At each table is ten guys and ten girls. Every 3 minutes a gong is sounded, and the guys change places; a conversation is supposed to take place until the gong sounds again in 3 minutes. The hope is that at the end of the night you would have found at least 1 person you would like to meet again.
I discovered that it really all just depends on why you're going on these "dates." I heard some people say that they were out looking for dates, and at the end of the night they hadn't met anyone. As for me, I went to meet someone outside of work and the ward. And I met some interesting guys. I think that best thing is did for me is prove to me that not every attractive, nice guy at BYU had a girlfriend/fiancee/wife. And it helped to improve my conversation skills a bit.
True, there were still guys like the ones I have gone on dates with previously (bad conversationalists, and AWKWARD!), but I only had to talk to them for three minutes. And then there were the guys that the three minutes ended and I was loath to let them go because we had just started a great conversation. I don't know if anything will come of this experience, but it was fun to go to!
BTW: I don't have any truly awkward stories to share (unfortunately) but my roommate had a guy accidentally spit on her face!
Next time I might drag my brothers with me! ;)