Nov 15, 2008

"Someone Always Comes"

So, this is an explanation for the previous post about the book "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" by Kate DiCamillo. My wonderfully wise mother gave me this book in 2006, during a heartbreaking time in my life. She told me that everyone said to read it with a box of tissues. This turned out to be true.

I read this book once or twice a year, when things start to get hard. I was reading it the other night, and my roommate came in while I was crying (not something odd for me, I'm a genuine crybaby), and asked me what was up. So I proceeded to tell her the story and I couldn't even get through that without choking on my words and bawling. What makes this book so wonderful is that Edward, a little China rabbit, learns how to love, but everyone that he loves is taken away from him. He finally gets to the point where he says that he will never love again, but he comes across a doll who is over one hundred years old. This doll tells him that he shouldn't give up because someone always comes and love is worth it.

The coda is beautifully written, but doesn't quite give the same emotion. The fall after I received this book, Josh Groban's song "Don't Give Up (You are Loved)" came out. It is the same message, and the two will always go together for me. At I time when I was thinking that I would never love, or be loved, again, I was given these reminders that everything will be fine.

And whenever I need a reminder that I shouldn't give up on love (even though Cecily frequently tells me not too) I read this book and I cry my eyes out, and I feel a little more hopeful at the end.

I love you all. Don't ever forget.

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