Apr 5, 2010

Inspiration, Prayers, and Comfort

This last weekend was General Conference, and it couldn't have come at a better time. Around this time each year I seem to just break down--emotionally and physically. I think it's a tough time of year for anyone; the changing of the seasons, finals, stress from jobs. I was grateful for the chance to leave it all behind and listen to our Prophet.

I was able to get tickets to the Saturday morning session (thanks Rochelle!). It was the first time I've ever been able to go to the Conference Center for Conference and I loved it! My parents went with me and it was wonderful to be able to be in the same room as all those great men and to hear the Choir sing live.

I was especially touched by the last song of that session, How Firm a Foundation. "Fear not I am with thee, oh be not dismayed, for I am thy God and will still give thee aid." What a comfort to know!

Afterward my parents and I went to our favorite restaurant in Salt Lake, the Greek Souvlaki! Yummy food!

As per tradition, my Mom and I watched a chick-flik and ate Chinese food while my dad went to Priesthood session. We watched Bright Star, which tells the story of John Keats and Fanny Brawne's romance as well as Keats's death from tuberculosis at the age of 25. Definite chick movie.

While it was great to hear the prophets speak, I think the best realization that came to me this weekend is that when you pour your heart out to God, he listens and cares. He lifts you up and helps you along the way. I've noticed the difference from how I felt just yesterday and how I feel today. What a wonderful knowledge that is! That God is a loving father who cares about all my feelings and thoughts and troubles, as inconsequential as they might be. I don't ever have to worry about Him not caring, or becoming bored with me. I can always turn to Him when I need help.

And he sends comfort.

"Fear not, I am with thee. Be not dismayed, for I am thy God and will still give thee aid."


  1. I'm so glad that you were able to go! It's funny how you needed a girl all the way from Hawaii to help you get into a place a few miles from your house. They should make tickets more available to Utahns.

  2. How firm a foundation is my favorite hymn! I think it really does bring comfort, and it's nice to know Heavenly Father totally has our back.

    And on a non-spiritual note, I want to hear about Bright Star! Good thing I will see you tonight.
